Diplomatic Blue Book 0

World of [G zero] is similar to that after the First World War International situation of 2.0 years and the development of Japanese diplomacy Situation recognition Security environment surrounding Japan is to continue to very severe situation. Then, by such rapid progress of unprecedented change and innovation of the power balance in the international community, the security environment in the global and regional, have come up with large and complex impact. In addition, the reaction to the progress of globalization spread, such as the United States and Europe, so far protectionist inward-oriented among the countries that have benefited from the free trade has become remarkable. In addition, the expansion of attempts and terrorism and violent extremism of the unilateral alteration of the present state in which the power and background, Japan freedom supported the stability and prosperity of the world, including, democracy, human rights, rule of law, international international order based on fundamental values ​​such as respect for the law is being challenged.
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